TiDB Start Guide

Remember: We use the same driver extension to connect for both TiDB and MySQL, so some of the settings and documentation refer to mysql or MySQL.

1. Connections

Connection example:

  "name": "TiDB",
  "server": "localhost",
  "driver": "TiDB",
  "port": 4000,
  "database": "test",
  "username": "root",
  "askForPassword": false,
  "password": "",
  "connectionTimeout": 15

1.1 Specific Options

TiDB driver specific options can be passed using mysqlOptions settings.

  "name": "TiDB",
  "server": "gateway01.ap-southeast-1.prod.aws.tidbcloud.com",
  "driver": "TiDB",
  "port": 4000,
  "database": "test",
  "username": "GfKM8ds5z2m614G.root",
  "askForPassword": false,
  "password": "<your_password>",
  "connectionTimeout": 15,
  "mysqlOptions": {
    ... // options See section 2. mysqlOptions

2. mysqlOptions

TiDB can NOT use the xprotocol, so please keep the mysqlOptions.authProtocol is default option.

Extra options can be used as defined in the connectors documentation.

See https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql#connection-options and https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql#pool-options

They will be passed to the pool constructor directly. See https://github.com/mtxr/vscode-sqltools/blob/master/packages/core/driver/mysql/index.ts .

Typical Connect Scenarios

1. TiDB Cloud Serverless Tier

TiDB Cloud Serverless Tier need to point the CA certificates.

  "name": "TiDB",
  "server": "gateway01.ap-southeast-1.prod.aws.tidbcloud.com",
  "driver": "TiDB",
  "port": 4000,
  "database": "test",
  "username": "GfKM8ds5z2m614G.root",
  "askForPassword": false,
  "password": "<your_password>",
  "connectionTimeout": 15,
  "mysqlOptions": {
    "authProtocol": "default",
    "enableSsl": "Enabled",
    "ssl": {
      "ca": "/etc/ssl/cert.pem"

You can read the TLS Connections to Serverless Tier document to get more information.

2. Local Default TiUP Playground Cluster

If you use the TiUP to create a playground cluster at your local device. You can use this config to connect:

  "name": "TiDB",
  "server": "localhost",
  "driver": "TiDB",
  "port": 4000,
  "database": "test",
  "username": "root",
  "askForPassword": false,
  "password": "",
  "connectionTimeout": 15